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Comedy of Death: Living and Dying in the Renaissance
With Presentations by:
Annabelle Kolomeisky
Linda Steele
Jeff Lee
Sofiya Romashchenko
Emily Fu
Adam Rendall
Madeleine Sheahan
Maral Attar-Zadeh
Eduardo Montero

With Presentations by:
Faraz Olfat
Zahra Rajan
Vittoria Tesoro
Camila Walls Castillo
Tatiana Thoennes
Andrew Morton
Aidan Flynn
Madeleine Sheahan
Nico Mara-McKay
Ursula Carmichael
Alexandra Schoenborn and
Shawnee Redform

Revealing the Renaissance: (De)constructing Early Modern Identities
Call For Papers

Power and Representation: Examining the Early Modern Era
With Presentations by:
Rachel Hart
Carol Eugene Park
Zahra Rajan
Aidan Flynn
Reem Taha
Vittoria Tesoro
Riley McGuire
Tatiana Thoennes and
Alexandra Schoenborn
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